When STP has been lodged, have the Employee Names automatically unticked
When doing a pay run we now have the prompt to complete and upload the STP. Employees in that pay run are already ticked. After it has been up-loaded, I'd like the Employee Names to be unticked, instead of manually going back to do it.
Provide a list of all QBW and QBB files on the users own Hosted Q: drive or shared folder, or B: drive
Users need to be able to quickly and cleanly see a list of all their data files and backup files. This is useful to remove the need to navigate the drive structure and folder structure the way that that users currently need to in order to locate a...
Would be good to be able to click on the Quantity column when purchasing goods to see the stock on hand like you can in the inv section when selling goods.
Have the search bar under Memorised Transaction List to find an entry
We currently have the 'search bar' in the Item list. It'll be very handy if we could have this on the Memorised Transaction List too in case you have a massive list.
To be able to turn a sales order into an estimate/quote
it would be useful because we have clients that if the sum of the work order is over a certain amount, we have to then produce an estimate/ quote for an escalation code before we can invoice.
Administrators should be able to add or delete users, all except for 'owner'
The whole idea of an 'administrator' is to manage the software for the owner. It just seems crazy 'administrators' need to get the login details of the owner in order to setup users to work on a file. If you are a Reckon partner it makes sense to ...