It would be very handy for Reckon One (or other Reckon product) account holders with more than one company attached to have the company name appear on monthly invoices, instead of just the invoice number and customer ID.
Do not display the inactive items in Price level list
When entering or editing the price level by item, it displays all active and inactive items in the list. Request that the inactive items should not show in the list.
If a business is not using 'Items' for invoicing etc and is happy to use accounts, can the 'Items' columns be disabled?
This would need a toggle in settings (Day to day settings?).
The default would be to have Items enabled.
Bank Loans are usually set up as Liability Accounts not Bank Accounts. Ability to reconcile is essential. At the moment, there is no option to reconcile a liablity account
Transaction history Does not work on quotes - this is a BUG
Quotes/estimates has a "transaction history" option (with right click) however there is never any history to such a transaction. I have often wanted such history: for example I want to know if the quote has been completed and invoiced, but even th...
It would be handy to have some sort of text area in the dashboard. We can then leave notes to our self or collaborators of tasks that need to be accomplished in a book. Could be in the form a Memo widget that allows free text or a todo/task list w...
Add Power Automate as an integration alternative to Zapier
Reckon ONE currently supports most of its integrations through Zapier middleware. Power Automate (formerly MS Flow) is a similar tool offered by Microsoft at a better value.
A report that shows all the transactions allocated to a project
Useful for checking that transactions have been correctly allocated to projects. It is very difficult without this report to find which transactions are feeding into the profit and loss report for a project. Could be done by adding an option to th...