Feature to Change account type, for example from Asset to Liability , or expense to COGS, beneficial if the COA was set-up incorrectly, and needs to be changed, especially if there are heaps of transactions.
It would be good if the icon for Current Availability was in the qty column in the create purchase orders screen (same as create Sales Orders screen) as at the moment I have to go into items list and right click on a item the left click to bring u...
Create a setting to NOT use account codes, which would also then by default UNTICK the Code in all reports. If that is not possible create a new setting under Settings > General > Report settings That can be ticked or unticked to use Account...
Fast Coding - Bank Feed description/longer name display
When opening our Fast Coding file in the browser I can currently not see enough information on what Bank account feed I am working with.We have over 8 different bank accounts and the name on each bank account is obviously our full business name.Ha...
Have payments NOT sitting as Cheques to Print when going through to Reckon Data file
When payment transactions are pushed through to Reckon, they are sitting as cheques to print, can this be changed as this clogs up the data file and you don't need to print a cheque after payment is made.
When viewing an invoice it would be nice to be able to go to previous or next invoice without having to go back to the list of invoices
While viewing an invoice, I would like to be able to scroll through the invoices without having to go back to the full list of all invoices. When I am searching for an invoice it can take a while to go back & forward checking each invoice indi...
A number of my customers require purchase order numbers on invoices issued, at the moment the only workaround is a hack to use the address details or some other customisable field. Given that its just HTML, why not add a customisable field that us...