I spend a lot of time entering invoice and bill data into reckon for my P and C uniform shop, which does not make a profit nor pays me for my services I would love to be able to then export the data into an excel spread sheet or as CSV, this would...
Being able to pay multiple bills from the bank data screen - Currently can only complete in BILL section
Currently only the "BILL" shows up not the Reference Number ( Supplier Tax Invoice) Really when entering Bills we Enter the Suppliers Tax Invoice Number the Bill Reference which we can't Change anyway is more of a "Software Unique number" Any form...
As an accountant managing my client books, I want extra information on the bills list report to show when a bill has been paid. This will help me complete additional checks and balances more easily.
Would be great to have a tag inside the invoice page saying if the invoice have been emailed already, it's easy to forget when you do repetetive task if you just did or not. Instead of going out to the invoices list and checking on the last column
Add a, 'Make a Copy' button to the transaction edit header options.
It would be helpful to have the option to duplicate/copy the a 'Receive money' transaction as a once-off template for a new transaction. I recognise that for Invoices there is a workaround by using a Reccuring Invoice Template, and selecting 'copy...
Add a "invoice paid" field in - Day to day › Money in › Invoices
At this stage I can see when the invoice is created, when its due, but cannot see when it was paid, unless I click on each individual invoice. It would be useful to see at a glance on the paid screen.
This feature would allow users to manually import outstanding / unpaid invoices to Reckon One using a CSV file.
We could provide a file format to the user who then fills in details.