Ability to have the profit and loss report to be split into relevant financial periods
Ability to have the profit and loss report to be split into relevant financial periods (yearly with multiple years, annual by month or annual by quarter).
Over time, you may need the ability to merge accounts - especially in the case where a duplicate account has been created which is likely for smaller organisations who have changes in their book keeper/accountant/treasurer.Currently there is no wa...
Remember last date when entering money in / money out transactions
As an accountant, I often enter client transactions in bulk after the date they occurred.
For every new transaction the date defaults to the current day. This means I have to change the date for every transaction which takes time. It would be help...
You need to be a computer programmer to search for anything in R1 using search. You need to guess what paramaters reckon one is wanting i.e invoice customer is "John Smith" or Payment of 313.56 (doesn't work) has to be payment is 313.56. It just n...
Ability to import / export data in various formats to and from Reckon One
And import from a few common spreadsheet formats (eg XLS, ODS, CSV) as well as an XML file. Must be able to import chart of accounts, debtor/creditor history & transactions, stock items & values, journal transactions, documents.
Obviously ...
I have clients based in many regions in EMEA. I would like to be able to offer Reckon One to all of these clients, but I am currently unable to do so. or I have to issue invoices in both AUD and USD and pay suppliers in USD. There doesn't appear t...
It appears that it is now a requirement that the end of financial year reports should also include a Statement of Cash Flows., This report is not currently available in the reports group. Will it be implemented?
My company is required by the ATO to submit and pay PAYG Withholding monthly. It would be helpful to be able to select this option in the Reporting Period when creating the BAS instead of running a report each month and then again each quarter to ...
Could you please allow the Account Type to be amended in Reckon One. You have no idea how many users set up an account incorrectly and then have to figure out a way to correct this after numerous transactions have already been entered.
"Postal / Shipping Address is the Same As Business Address" checkbox and auto-population of fields
This is a super handy feature which I got used to in Quickbooks Online. If a Customer's or Supplier's Business Address details are the same as their Postage and Shipping addresses, it allows you to automatically populate the address fields simply ...