It would be great in case you can integrate payment with our financial institution, so when we click on pay from a certain bank account, the actual amount will be paid via the bank (similar to some other applications).
Unfortunately this is completely controlled by the financial institutions. We have requested access for some time now. As soon as we can access we will definitely be taking this approach. It's unfortunate that institutions can pick and chose who they allow to use this technology. Feel free to help us out by lobbying your bank :)
Really appreciated. Thank you ! Gotta love that a business that has been around for 30 years like Reckon and is one of the top 5 accounting software companies in Australia isnt considered "best". In some better news we have just started a conversation with a bank that isnt owned by a BIG 4 and hopefully we will have some positive outcomes. As I said its definitely something we want, but we need to get around what some could perceive as anti-competitive blocking behavior first. Stay tuned !!
I finally got a response from St George
"We constantly monitor the market for the best Business solutions, we don't have an expected time as to when we'll be implementing Reckon for business as part of the online platform, but we will be sure to let you know when we do.
We have registered your suggestion and escalated to the appropriate department for review."
I trust more St George customer should lodge similar request to get the ball rolling.
Just submitted a request with St George Bank, will keep you posted.