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Workspace Reckon One
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Created by Guest
Created on Oct 4, 2016

Stock / inventory functionality

Bring in the concept of quantities to the item list in Reckon One. This will be for products only.

Link in to balance sheet to automatically calculate stock levels at year end.

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    Jason Hollis
    Feb 18, 2020

    Hi Peter. We thought we'd have inventory before now too, however it just hasn't been prioritised by our existing or indeed potential customers. That said, we hope to have more news on this around mid-year.

  • Guest
    Feb 17, 2020

    I just started my trial of Reckon One and thought basic inventory tracking linked to balance sheet was a part of it as I saw 'items' in the literature.

    Unfortunately I have now realised this is not a functional and I am weighing up whether or not I will continue. Have been using QuickBooks for 7 years but they just jacked up their prices 30%.

  • Guest
    Nov 9, 2018

    I suspect that tthe lack of inventory is stopping many from using ReckonOne.  C'mon Reckon - just do it!  Kick some Xero/Quickbooks butt!!


Basic Inventory Management

Would like to be able to add a supplier to items, then track Qty in stock. If customer is invoiced for an item with Zero Qty in stock, a PO is automatically created. If more Zero Qty items from same supplier are ordered from same supplier, additio...
over 5 years ago in Reckon One / Reports 1 New idea