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Status New idea
Categories Desktop & Hosted
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 30, 2021

drag and drop adding image to an invoice

In signage/print/and other industries, the job is unique and an image is helpful to the description.

A small image within the body of the invoice or quotation would be a nice enhancement if it could be a simple drag and drop kind of deal.

Only required to store/remain until the invoice was emailed or printed - otherwise the datafile size would explode. For archive purposes, a placeholder (saying an image was attached) would suffice and if a full record was required, one is available from hard copy or sent emails archive.

  • Attach files

Provide a image of a product when invoicing in description column

It would be great to provide an invoice to customers with a small image of the product they have purchased in a column
about 3 years ago in Reckon Accounts Business / Desktop & Hosted 0 New idea