We have account customers, and we have cash sale customers. There are times when a new person will come in, our staff put in a large number of stock items into a cash sale, for the customer to say 'oh, no, can you put that on the 'blah blah' account, please?' Our staff member then needs to spend time re-doing all of the work. If there was one screen that you could choose whether it's a cash sale or a tax invoice for account, that would save a lot of processing time.
Underneath the hood of Reckon Accounts, Receipts and Invoices are two very separate data stores, so cannot be interchanged.
The simple way to avoid this, as recommended by our partners, is to always create an INVOICE, and then in the item list create a payment item to use at the end of the sale lines (you can also include a sub-total item to help tally the sale).
With payment items, you can also use more than one, for example if the customer pays by CASH and CREDIT CARD.
Finally, if the customer changes their mind, you can change the template in case you want the document to say "Invoice" vs "Receipt".