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Categories Desktop & Hosted
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 7, 2020

The ability to copy an asembly in the item list and then edit component quantities to create a new assembly

We have many variants to make assembly items with the same components, with only quantities changing eg length of tube, pipe, cable.

    Feb 8, 2020

    The ability to create a copy of an assembly item quickly is possible via an IIF import (see attached example).

    To create your template, and to ensure you use the correct ledger accounts and format for your business, it is best practice to export your item list as an IIF file and edit it to match the format attached.

    Also be sure to save this as an IIF file and not a csv. ** You can open and edit an IIF in a spreadsheet application.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Feb 11, 2020


    Thanks, I was looking in the Item menu.


  • Admin
    Jason Hollis
    Feb 11, 2020

    Here is where you export IIF files Arthur.

    It's important to note you do not need to export your list file at any stage. We only suggest this to assist you building your templates as they are a specific format. Exporting your existing item list can help you understand them.

  • Guest
    Feb 11, 2020


    I am unable to find IIF export function in our RA 2019 version. There are Excel and CSV options but no IIF.

    Also this appears to be a clumsy method as you have to export the entire item list


Create new inventory and assembly items by copying and edited an existing item

We have many stock items that are very similar with maybe 1 pr 2 different components. Creating new ones would be much easier if we could copy an existing one.
about 4 years ago in Reckon Accounts Business / Desktop & Hosted 0 Already exists