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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 15, 2018

Zapier connection for Reckon Accounts Hosted

The ability to use Reckon Accounts Hosted API as a connection through Zapier to link in with 1,000's of cloud apps. 

I have just seen a demonstration of Zapier with Reckon One and can see a need for this same functionality to be available for some of Reckon Accounts Hosted clients.  Because of user requirements these clients are not candidates for Reckon One. 

My understanding is that a Zapier link with Reckon Accounts hosted is dependant on what features are available on the updated API which is currently being looked at. 

Ideally the same functionality in the API should be available that is currently in Reckon One.  

I would ask the decision and development team at Reckon consider redeveloping the Hosted API with such functionality. 

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    Jason Hollis
    Oct 5, 2018

    Thanks for the feedback guys and a big hello to the WA group :) 

  • Guest
    Oct 4, 2018

    Hi Jason,

    I much prefer the functionality of RAH to Xero, but my clients are converting to Xero because it links with the other products they use.  It means so much to them they are paying more for the Xero licence.  I am at the point of abandoning my Reckon Partner status, I have so few clients left on Reckon and I can't sell any more because of this issue.


    Caroline Smith

    Jackadder Business Consulting

  • Guest
    Oct 4, 2018

    Hi Jason

    Yes, a Zapier link with RAH (& RA Desktop???) would be very beneficial for 1000s of integrations not currently compatible.

    Reckon is already a leader by having a Desktop, semi-Cloud (RAH) AND Cloud accounting solution(s) that other competitors don't offer.  Please consider expanding Reckon's power even further! :):):)  

  • Guest
    Oct 4, 2018

    Hi Jason,

    Would just like to add my bit.  Accounts Hosted is a fantastic product which I defend to other accountants a lot.  One of the arguments they have against me is that their clients say the opposition has a tremendous ability to communicate with other programs. It makes Hosted look antiquated.  Hence why would they bother with Hosted and then they say Reckon in general.  Zapier would be a great improvement and bring Hosted closer into the current market.

  • Guest
    Oct 3, 2018

    From what little I understand of Zapier, the concept seems a great way to add new  functionality to existing Reckon products.   Especially Reckon Account Hosted as it works in the cloud, but limited by the fixed code base.  It would also mean making use of a having a comparative advantage in the flexibility of Reckon Account’s, but being able to add new and desirable functionality that uses want.  My two Kyats worth. 


    Victor Booth

  • Guest
    Oct 3, 2018

    Hi Jason

    I agree with Robyn and Steve's comments. Clients are heading off to the opposition lately because Reckon just doesn't have those vital Cloud Applications connections. The way I look at it is yes it may be a difficult creating the linking functionality with Zapier but once it has been achieved there wont be any accounting software out there that would truly rival Reckon Hosted for its ease of use and complete functionality. Reckon Hosted could then be re marketed  and start taking on their opposition once again. This is really worth investigating as wouldn't it be better having a more modern Reckon Hosted accounting product out there which would not only keep existing clients happy but would capture new clients into the future and clients will also get more bang for their buck as well . That's my two bobs worth as well 

    Cheers Earl

  • Guest
    Oct 2, 2018

    Hi Jason,

    I agree with Robyn. I am using RA Desktop in my own business due to not being able to integrate Quotewerks and TSheets in RA Hosted. I use Quotewerks to link Maximizer CRM to Reckon Accounts Desktop so that I can import customer information into RA when a prospect finally becomes a customer. Having a good API that can integrate to Zapier would assist. 

    I also agree with Robyn that some clients will be lured to other accounting solutions such as Xero, QBO, due to the integrations already available. 

    Just my two cents worth. 


    Steve Neal. Fintech Business Solutions

  • Guest
    Oct 2, 2018

    Hi Jason,

    Thank you for the feedback and apologies for the number of posts. Sloppy moment at the conference and I was trying to post and listen to presentation and didn’t see where it would be posted once given approval.

    Worries me slightly that that some of our posts which might be valuable wont get through because it doesn’t follow your (the moderators) plan. But understand that a site like this needs to be moderated for crazies – not that I am one of them. hehe


    Robyn Ricket

  • Admin
    Jason Hollis
    Oct 2, 2018

    Hi Robyn. We have looked at Hosted already as we agree - it would be great to integrate Zapier + Hosted. Unfortunately the 'behind the scenes' workings of Zapier means it isn't that straight forward. I will leave here as an idea for other users to vote on. If there is enough call we will re-visit.