It would be good to add a Working Capital (also known as Current Ratio) KPI using the below calculation: Current Ratio = Total Current Assets / Total Current Liabilities
Reckon Accounts Hosted - Supplier set up - additional insurance follow up box (contractors edition)
The ability to follow up with suppliers for their insurance certificates is great but sometimes we require more than two types of insurance, could it be possible to have another box with the abiity to change the label. Currently the only options a...
Stapled super fund information available from within Reckon payroll
In regards to the ATOs stapled super fund mandate, it would be great as a business owner if I could return the employees stapled fund from within the payroll application. Ref:
Schedule a future date for payslip emails to be sent
I would like to be able to send payslip emails on the day of payment. Want to be able to schedule them to be sent at a future date when I do the payrun rather than have to remember to go back in to send them later.
Add editable bank account details automatically in 'Payment Details' area of Invoice forms to save money and reduce risk of inserting incorrect bank payment details.
Creating different levels of Closing Date restrictions
For example - it would be great to be able to lock off the date after completing the end of month checks - but still alowing a change to Memo's, Descriptions etc. Another level could be that all items can be changed so long as GST is not effected.
Allow user to customise financial year dates for budgets and reporting
Currently, Financial Year is set to the default for the country you are in. However, it would be good to have an option to do a budget for a calendar year.
Payroll Summary Report -ticks for Hours & Rate as an additional step
Rather than the Payroll Summary Report having the Hours & Rate automatically ticked, can it be the other way around and the standard report be unticked. If you want hours & rates you can modify and tick them to add them to the report. Most...