Estimates to have option to change the item visibility within groups between hidden and not hidden for ordering purposes
We would like to be able to change an estimate with a group in it from not showing items to showing without having to go into the item list and unticking or ticking the box for this to happen. As for the customer we like it to be nice and short an...
Bank Rule criteria selecting which bank account to apply the rule to
Clients spend money at same outlet, one bank account it is a business transaction, in another bank account it is a personal transaction. By allowing bank account then rule can be applied.
Print supplier report with TPAR checked and TPAR amounts for a selected period.
Currently, there is no way to see what the TPAR figures are unless one prints out the whole report before lodging.
This is silly. One needs to check the TPAR values for each supplier for checking purposes. A simple way would be just for a listing ...
Add a Profit & Loss by Class to the default templates. This report will be the same as the Profit & Loss but will have a Class column, showing the P&L for each class, anything without a Class assigned will be under an 'unassigned' column
It would be extremely useful for leave reporting if leave payroll items can be sub-categorised. For example Carers Leave, Sick Leave with Cert, and Sick Leave no Cert, all come off the PL accrued balance.