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More Options For Customizing Templates

More options for customizing templates would be beneficial. I created a worksheet and there is some much data options available from customer cards to pre populate that are not available in the customisation. The available Text Entry windows just ...
over 2 years ago in Reckon Accounts Business / Desktop & Hosted 5 New idea

A single report to show Invoice Date, Invoice Number, Date Due and Date Paid

This is a basic requirement for managment accounts. How long are customers taking to pay? As far as I have researched, there is no way to do this except by running separate reports, exporting to Excel and spending considerable time compiling the r...
over 5 years ago in Reckon Accounts Business / Desktop & Hosted 0 New idea

Payroll reports sort by last name

Need to be able to view reports and select to be sorted by either employee first or last name. Currently only is sorted by First name
12 months ago in Reckon Web / Payroll 0 New idea

Allow attachments to be sent with invoices/estimates

Ability to send photos, certificates etc with invoices and quotes
over 5 years ago in Reckon Web 0 New idea

Be able to send out a bulk batch emails to all customers, suppliers & employees

It would be good to be able to send out one email to all customers at once.
over 5 years ago in Reckon Accounts Business / Desktop & Hosted 5 New idea

Payroll Report for Leave Taken

There are times when you need to have a report showing leave taken by employees over a specific area. Currently you can only see what's accrued. Can we have an option to run a report showin what has been taken?
over 4 years ago in Reckon One / Payroll 2 New idea

Fixed assets register

Surprisingly Reckon is lacking a fixed assets module allowing to record each FA item with all of the required information for automatic calculation of depreciation for a selected period to allow for the recording of the corresponding journal entry...
over 4 years ago in Reckon Accounts Business / Desktop & Hosted 2 New idea

Merge Accounts in Chart of Accounts

Over time, you may need the ability to merge accounts - especially in the case where a duplicate account has been created which is likely for smaller organisations who have changes in their book keeper/accountant/treasurer.Currently there is no wa...
over 5 years ago in Reckon One / Accounting 1 New idea

Link to Transaction Reports from contacts

Would be really good to have a link that takes us to a list of transactions for a particular customer or supplier from their information window. Create Statement is available, but not view transaction list.
over 4 years ago in Reckon One / Reports 4 New idea

Make Estimates automatically inactive after creating an invoice from them

Currently when creating an invoice from an estimate, it's necessary to go back to the estimate an mark it inactive which is time consuming.
over 2 years ago in Reckon Accounts Business / Desktop & Hosted 0 New idea