Could you please add in the list of report for Profit and Loss & Balance Sheet the ability to create Calendar Year Reports such as This Calendar Year, This Calendar Year to Date, Last Calendar Qtr, Last Calendar Year, Last Calendar Year to dat...
If refreshing the screen for bank transactions, refresh back to the same account, not the first one on the list.
When a client has several bank and credit card accounts, it's frustrating that a refresh always takes you back to the first listed account, not the one you are working on.
Items are a finer level than accounts and there should be a report to be able to track some items.
Eg We want to compare salary paid to certain employees with the amount charged to clients for the work items used by those eimployess.
A user still wants to have the GST 101 report showing the "Sales and Income" and the "Purchases and Expenses" boxes even if the period selected for the report does not have any transactions
I would like to be able to "untick" Account codes so they don't show up permanently. I don't use codes, so to have to untick every time I do a report is frustrating.
I would like to be able to print an account enquiry summary report showing only the starting balance, closing balance and movement for a period selected for each of the accounts. Sometimes all I need is the balance of the account rather than the c...
Have a ctrl "F" function (find) to be able to search for an amount in all transactions. eg One could type in 55.22 and matching entries would show up for us to click on and find parent transaction.
To have a list of transactions attached to a Customer or Supplier's name, so that when accessing a particular customer/supplier, details of their past transactions appear. This would save the need to raise a Statement to view transactions.