Add Date column to Super contributions by employee
The report Super contributions by employee doesn't have a date column (as in Pay Date, Pay End Date, Pay Start Date). Instead it has a payrun name column which it sorts by alphabetically. It would be better if you had an actual Date column that lo...
Extend Rate multiplier in Pay Items for Payroll to include three decimal points
When working through employee pay rates alongside awards it is required that you may have to pay additional on base rate. This may be a decimal point percentage e.g. 12.5%. So the rate multiplier would be 1.125. The current system o...
In Payroll YTD set up there are only two options to report grossed up Fringe Benefits non-exempt, and exceeding exempt We are required to report the grossed up amount of EXEMPT Fringe Benefits (non profit sector) at the end of the payroll year and...
Option for different bank accounts for separate entities but in same subscription
clients who have current subscription for payroll but have a partnership and a company therefore 2 separate bank accounts. Currently having to use the same bank account for both
Ability to choose this week's run date form the top of report
Currently to print off a payroll report for the weekly payroll that you have just completed, you have to select "the following dates" and then "date from and date to" and this allows you to print/download the payroll report for the week's wages. I...
Company Contributions (Non Super) displayed on payslip
Currently, in Reckon One, superannuation related Company Contributions (Employer Additional) appear on a payslip for employees but specific Company Contributions (such as those paid to a redundancy protection fund) are not.
Currently, this is due...
Payroll set up > Pay Item > Add, should not have the template already set to Pay item type.
Payroll set up > Pay Item. when click on Add, the template for the new pay item has the Pay item type set to Earnings. So cannot create any other Pay item type - like Allowance, Deduction, Super, Reimbursement or Company Contribution.