On the payroll show the total cost of the payroll, amount being paid+tax+super = total. Its nice to see its the amount you put aside to cover all of the employee employment costs
Week ending date + Hours Worked to Payroll Summary Report
The 'Payroll Summary' report is missing two major details. Week ending date - the date showing at the top of the report should be the week ending date not the payment date. This is important for reporting and review purposes. Hours worked. This is...
Want a report that tells me when and how many hours leave an employee took. Require Employee Name; start and finish dates of leave; type of leave; hours taken. Want to be able to present the report for specific dates.
Payroll Payments cannot be partial payments/allocations at the present time. This makes it very frustrating when mispayment has been made. For example when either too much or too little is paid and then rectified by another seperate payment. It wo...
Allow Reckon One to Import Timesheet Data from 3rd Party Mobile App
Employees enter their hours worked on their mobile phone via a 3rd party (or Reckon?) mobile app. Reckon One imports the data and enables a Pay Run to be created from this data.